Policies & Regulations
Our Memorial Park is built and managed with the future in mind, as well as the present.
You chose our Park because you were assured that, ten years or ten generations from now, wherever you would be, in distant parts or sleeping within these sacred precincts, this Park and every burial estate in it will be kept neat and will remain forever beautiful.
To ensure that every lot reflects the beauty of the area, Warren County Memorial Park maintains strict regulations for decorating. To further enhance the beauty of each garden, our landscaping staff works diligently to maintain the shrub and floral plantings that grace every area
Your co-operation is sought, and we wish you to understand the practices which will be observed by everyone.
For nearly 70 years, we have provided exceptional care for those who have chosen Warren County Memorial Park as their eternal resting place. Below is a collection of the most commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered here, we invite you to contact us for help.

Warren County Memorial Park is the only “memorial park” cemetery in Warren County. The concept of a memorial park is to provide a park-like setting rather than a traditional cemetery setting with its conglomeration of upright monuments. The use of flush bronze memorial enhances the park-like atmosphere. Families use fresh or silk flowers in bronze vases, which adds to the beauty and symmetry of the setting. Flush memorialization eliminates possible pressure to select a larger or more ornate upright monument because of other nearby monuments as are used in a traditional cemetery.
We believe that Veterans are part of the fabric of our lives, and as such should not be designated to a particular area; therefore, Warren County Memorial Park has Veterans in every area of the cemetery. Almost 25% of our interments are Veterans.
In an effort to protect the park-like environment, all landscaping is based on the master plan of the cemetery. Traditional cemeteries rely on the lot owners to provide whatever flowers or shrubs are planted; however, what one family likes, another may think is an eye sore. Shrubs become overgrown or leggy, often infringing on another’s lot. Annuals planted for Memorial Day are not maintained by the family or cemetery staff, and become weed choked or die from lack of water and attention. Such neglect can affect the beauty of the surrounding lots.
In order to ensure that every lot reflects the beauty of the area, we maintain strict regulations for decorating.
Perpetual Care or Endowment Care Cemeteries in Pennsylvania are required to place 15% of every burial space sold into an irrevocable trust fund. The principle of this fund cannot be touched, however interest generated on this fund may be withdrawn to assist with the maintenance of the cemetery. The idea is to accumulate funds so that a cemetery can continue to be well maintained even if it no longer has any property to sell or burials to be made.
While Warren County Memorial Park has lots of room for burials, expansion, and growth, we are still committed to ensure that trust-fund income will support the park far into the future, so that we will always be a cemetery “Where Beautiful Memories Remain Beautiful.”
Simply put, yes, this is charge for opening the grave and closing it after the love one has been put to rest. Part of this fee supports the labor charges made by the cemetery for making the interment. It also encompasses over 50 different duties that must be handled by cemetery staff in order to verify the location, open the site, inter the casket, refill the site, perform clean-up operations, comply with records maintenance, safety requirements, and equipment charges/maintenance. This fee is determined by including various things such as payroll, equipment usage, supplies, insurance, and related administrative expenses.
Warren County Memorial Park is a non-profit, family owned and operated corporation.
Not-for-profit means that all funds received are spent for the benefit of the cemetery and its lot owners, not as dividends, bonuses, or owner profits. A non-profit cemetery may also receive tax-deductible contributions to the cemetery, to benefit the Endowment Care Fund or a specific building or development fund.
The Federal Government and most State Governments do not mandate the use of an outer burial container, leaving that decision up to the individual cemeteries. Most cemeteries do require at least the minimum protection afforded by a grave liner or other outer burial container. The use of a burial vault prevents the cemetery grounds from settling over the years, and it helps with the overall safety and maintenance of the grounds. Additionally, cemeteries usually require an outer container or cremation vault for an urn as well.
Locate a Loved One
Warren County Memorial Park is proud to offer our new online search burial records tool for our families. Simply search your loved ones’ name to find their burial location, as well as leave behind your favorite photos and memories.