A Garden Cemetery with Heart
Founded in 1954, Warren County Memorial Park is Warren County’s premier cemetery serving all of Warren County and surrounding areas.
Originally developed by George and Thelma Ferver with the intent of bringing the concept of “memorial park” to Western Pennsylvania. Development of the property started in the summer of 1954 which was briefly set-back due to the devastation of Hurricane Hazel – after which, grading and seeding needed to be redone.
Soon thereafter the Garden of Devotion, Administrative Building, and the Veteran’s circle were all completed and the cemetery took shape. Gardens of the Cross, Last Supper, and Ten Commandments would follow in order.
In 1976, the park became managed by Ruth (Ferver) and Ed Seebeck, at George’s request.
After George Ferver’s passing in 1981, the development of the Fountain Garden honoring the founders of the cemetery was designed and completed. The Seebecks would go on to develop the Emergency Service Memorial – which is home to a piece of the World Trade Center, and flies seven flags in remembrance of those who died on 9/11/2001, and in honor of all who serve as Warren County’s first responders.
Ruth and Ed also brought to life programs such as the 9/11 Field of Flags, Military Service Memorial, and the beloved “Cherished Hearts, Cherished Memories” care program to assist families in dealing with the grief of loss – which received international recognition for “excellence in personal service” to families. In 2022, following the untimely passing of Ruth, Ed made the decision to retire and market the property.
In August of 2022, Richard and Kathryn Winter became the new and current owners of Warren County Memorial Park, where they now reside on-site.
The Winters endeavor to continue and expand on the spirit of innovation and service that has permeated Warren County Memorial Park since its inception – honoring and seeking to continue to improve upon the legacy the Fervers and Seebecks have built there.

Our Park
Warren County Memorial Park differs from a traditional cemetery due to its “memorial park” concept. Instead of placing traditional competing stone monuments on each grave we utilize dignified sculpted bronze memorials on a concrete or stone base. This allows visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of the gardens without distraction.
The park was also designed with convenience in mind: we have an administrative building open during business hours for the public with full-time staff; extra-wide roadways, water hydrants, and trash receptacles which accommodate all areas.